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Debug helper
Ok... may be my bad...
I created the export on my (new) Scense 10 environment...

The 'simple' explanation of the module:
  • Enable Scense Debug
    On system startup or user logon (determine yourself) add an environment action that sets a variable: SCENSEDEBUG=1
  • Create a Generic Application: Backup Scense Logging
    Give it a scope that covers your need, either assign a domain group membership (preferred) or just assign it to domain users (everyone)
  • In the user logon action:
    Add a Scense Classic shortcut called 'Backup Scense Logging.lnk' in '%PROGRAMS%\Selfservice'
  • Assign a condition to 'Start Actions'
    I would assign 2 condition items: Check if your desired target folder (H:\Logfiles, \\MyServer\LogFiles) exists (should be world writable) and check if the logfile "%TEMP%\ScenseLogFiles\Scense.Client.log" exisits
  • Add actions to the start actions event:
    Runmode False: Message action indicating that the backup can not be performed as the preconditions are not met (log file or backup location does not exisit)
    Runmode True: File action: Copy file from "%temp%\scenselogfiles\scense.client.log" to "<your backup folder>\%DATE%-%USERNAME%-%COMPUTERNAME%.log"
    Runmode True, condition "<your backup folder>\%DATE%-%USERNAME%-%COMPUTERNAME%.log" exists: Show success message
    Runmode True, condition "<your backup folder>\%DATE%-%USERNAME%-%COMPUTERNAME%.log" does NOT exists: Show failed message
Of course there are quite some extensions to add, like:
  • pre-creating the backup folder in the user's homedrive
  • Auto-notify of servicedesk
  • fixing the %DATE%-name, as this will fail in US format as mm/dd/yyyy is no valid filenameformat ('/' is not allowed)
  • Extending for multiple logs a day (now the 2nd log backup will overwrite the first)
Good luck! 

Messages In This Thread
Debug helper - by Michael Baars - 03-27-2015, 12:33 PM
RE: Debug helper - by PeterN - 04-01-2015, 09:16 AM
RE: Debug helper - by Michael Baars - 04-02-2015, 09:19 PM

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