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Does the MSI import also get de *.msp files of that MSI?
On the following page:

I have read this about Adobe reader DC installers:

You might be tempted to do the extraction with 7zip, but you shouldn't. 7zip cannot see the included MSP-files, so you'll end up in most cases with an outdated MSI-file, and the MSP-file(s) required to do the update is/are missing.

The extraction must be done with a command like
AdbeRdr11002_en_US.exe -nos_oC:\AdobeFiles -nos_ne
If you do not like typing complicated commands, you can instead copy the installer.exe to an empty directory, dowload my script AcroRdr-Extract.cmd and copy it into the same directory, then double-click the script. It will detect the filename of the installer.exe in the same directory, and then issue the above command with the correct filename.

The extracted files will be saved in the newly created directory C:\AdobeFiles. It will contain one MSI-file, one file named, plus in most cases one or more MSP-files, plus some other files like setup.exe that are not needed for deployment with GPO.

If there are MSP-files, then the included MSI-file and are outdated, and you must apply the patches from the MSP-files to get the latest version. If you want to deploy using GPO, you must slipstream them, see below. In the example from above (version 11.0.2) you get two MSP-files: AdbeRdrUpd11001.msp and AdbeRdrSecUpd11002.msp. They must be applied one after the other, in the correct order, according to the version numbers in the filenames.

When i drag the MSI to the Scense explorer and i see all the processing, i wonder if the *.msp files are also taken in account for installation?
(08-26-2020, 04:28 PM)JVD Wrote: On the following page:

I have read this about Adobe reader DC installers:

You might be tempted to do the extraction with 7zip, but you shouldn't. 7zip cannot see the included MSP-files, so you'll end up in most cases with an outdated MSI-file, and the MSP-file(s) required to do the update is/are missing.

The extraction must be done with a command like
AdbeRdr11002_en_US.exe -nos_oC:\AdobeFiles -nos_ne
If you do not like typing complicated commands, you can instead copy the installer.exe to an empty directory, dowload my script AcroRdr-Extract.cmd and copy it into the same directory, then double-click the script. It will detect the filename of the installer.exe in the same directory, and then issue the above command with the correct filename.

The extracted files will be saved in the newly created directory C:\AdobeFiles. It will contain one MSI-file, one file named, plus in most cases one or more MSP-files, plus some other files like setup.exe that are not needed for deployment with GPO.

If there are MSP-files, then the included MSI-file and are outdated, and you must apply the patches from the MSP-files to get the latest version. If you want to deploy using GPO, you must slipstream them, see below. In the example from above (version 11.0.2) you get two MSP-files: AdbeRdrUpd11001.msp and AdbeRdrSecUpd11002.msp. They must be applied one after the other, in the correct order, according to the version numbers in the filenames.

When i drag the MSI to the Scense explorer and i see all the processing, i wonder if the *.msp files are also taken in account for installation?

When i look in the directory: \\scense01\installscripts$\Adobe Acrobat Reader DC (15.007.20033) i see an msi file and a cab file, but not an msp.

Seems to me *.msp files are not taken into account
Hoi JVD,

Kun je beschrijven wat jij zelf hebt gedaan?
Heb je 'iets' uitgepakt, dat in op de Installscripts Share gezet?
vanaf daar de applicatie geimporteerd?
Zitten daar msp files tussen?
Zo Ja, dan kun je in de Windows Installer properties het pad naar de juiste msp opgeven.
(08-26-2020, 04:59 PM)Dennis Wrote: Hoi JVD,

Kun je beschrijven wat jij zelf hebt gedaan?
Heb je 'iets' uitgepakt, dat in op de Installscripts Share gezet?
vanaf daar de applicatie geimporteerd?
Zitten daar msp files tussen?
Zo Ja, dan kun je in de Windows Installer properties het pad naar de juiste msp opgeven.

Hoi Dennis,

Ik heb alles uitgepakt middels commando:
AdbeRdr11002_en_US.exe -nos_oC:\AdobeFiles -nos_ne

Daarna heb ik de MSI opgepakt uit de directoiry c:\AdobeFiles (Hier waren wel de *.msp bestanden aanwezig). Ik heb niet handmatig de *.msp bestanden gekopieert naar de installscripts directory.

Ik zou graag weten hoe ik dat zou moeten opgeven in de windows installer properties.


If you right-click the application in the Scense Explorer and open the properties page, you will find a 'Windows Installer' option in the menu on the left.
In this page you can edit the Windows Installer options for this application (availability of this page depends on the application type, App-V's have a page dedicated to this application deployment type). In the Advanced Settings button you can edit several deployment options like the registered user/company, and one of these settings are MST and MSP files. Please use the %installscript%-variables to reference the root.

Some small notes on your deployment/import:
Next time pre-copy the installers from your local system to the Installscripts share. This has 2 advantages:
- You know everything you need will be available
Yes, Scense copies the installers it thinks it needs (in your case the MSI and CAB), but possibly other files (ini, mst, msp?) are needed as well but are not identified
- You can define the structure.
Even as Scense creates a folder based on the name of the installer (specified by the developers) and the version, there are some companies that state they are IDontKnow and all apps have version 0.1. You could add structure like vendor/application/version/edition...

During the import (drag the MSI into Scense Explorer/select from EasyDelivery) make sure you have the path conforming to your %installscripts%-definition. Don't use your mapped folder (I:/), and there is a difference between //scense.acme.corp/installscripts$ and //scense/installscripts$. If you use the same source, scense will detect it already is in the right share, and will not copy the installer Wink

Good luck!
After i had a call with Dennis i found the place to put the MSP files, thankyou.

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